ehemalige Teammitglieder

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

Diplom-Volkswirt Johannes Tiemer

Former Academic Staff

Diplom-Volkswirt Johannes Tiemer

Curriculum Vitae:

Academic Education:

  • Since April 2012: PhD Student at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Advisor: Professor Dr. Volker Clausen
  • September 2011: Graduated as Diplom-Volkswirt from CAU Kiel (equiv. to M.Sc. Economics), Thesis "On the incomparability of household expenditure data when surveying periods differ"
  • August 2007 - June 2008: Exchange Studies in Economics and Management at NTNU Trondheim, Norway
  • March 2007: National Model United Nations 2007 in New York, United States of America
  • October 2004 - September 2011: Studies of Economics at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany

Summer Schools:

  • June 2017: "Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks" at Oxford University, United Kingdom
  • September 2015: "First Ancona-Milano Summer School on AB Economics" at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
  • August 2014: "The Cointegrated VAR Model" at University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • July/August 2010: "Organisational Strategy" at LSE London, United Kingdom
  • August 2006: "China Studies" at Zhejiang University, China

Positions held:

  • Since April 2012: Research Assistant at the chair of Professor Dr. Volker Clausen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • September - December 2011: Research Assistant at the chair for "Strategic Management and Organisation" at University of Bayreuth, Germany

Fields of Research:

  • Empirical data driven research (generally)
  • Networks
  • Complexity Economics/Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Monetary Macroeconomics
  • Agent-based Computational Economics


  • "INET Annual Plenary Conference", October 2017, Edinburgh
  • "XIII. Buchenbach Workshop" of the VfS-Committee on Evolutionary Economics, October 2017, Buchenbach
  • "YSI Plenary 2016", October 2016, Central European University Budapest
  • "4th Annual GENED Meeting", October 2016, Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg
  • CEPS IdeasLab and Workshop, February 2016, Brussels
  • "XII. Buchenbach Workshop" of the VfS-Committee on Evolutionary Economics, October 2015, Buchenbach
  • YSI/IMK Workshop, May 2015, Berlin
  • "INET Annual Plenary Conference", April 2015, OECD, Paris
  • YSI/DNB Conference "New Economic Thinking for an Evolving Financial System", November 2014, DNB Amsterdam
  • GENED Workshop and "School on Networks in Finance and Macroeconomics", April 2014, IfW Kiel
  • "INET Annual Plenary Conference", April 2014, Toronto
  • YSI Workshop at the Fields Institute, April 2014, University of Toronto
  • "First Bordeaux Workshop on Agent-Based Macroeconomics", November 2013, Université Bordeaux IV
  • "Supervising Banks in Complex Financial Systems" Deutsche Bundesbank/SAFE Conference, October 2013, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
  • "XI. Buchenbach Workshop" of the VfS-Committee on Evolutionary Economics, October 2013, Buchenbach
  • "6th Ruhr Graduate School Doctoral Conference in Economics", February 2013, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • International Symposium "Crisis in Macroeconomics?", August 2012, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • INFER Workshop "Non-Standard Monetary Approaches in Macroeconomics", July 2012, Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster
  • "13. Fachtagung Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship" of the VHB, November 2011, Technische Universität Berlin


  • Alumni CAU Kiel e.V.
  • Alumni WiWi Essen e.V.
  • ISC Kiel e.V.
  • The International Network for Economic Research, INFER e.V.
  • Verein für Socialpolitik

Academic Duties:

  • Member of the Board, Institute for Business and Economic Studies
  • former Member of the Commission for Quality Assurance and Improvement

Other Duties:

  • Referee for: Applied Economics Quarterly, International Economics and Economic Policy, Scottish Journal of Political Economy