ehemalige Teammitglieder
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Curriculum Vitae:
Erstanstellung nach Promotion: Referent im Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Träger des Wissenschaftspreises der Sparkasse Essen 2014
Akademische Ausbildung:
- Januar 2009:
Master of Arts in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Masterarbeit: Does the ECB rely on a Taylor-rule? A comparison between real-time and ex-post revised data - August 2007 - Dezember 2007:
Auslandstudium an der Norwegian School of Economics and Business Adminstration (NHH) in Bergen (Norwegen) - April 2007 - Januar 2009:
Universität Duisburg-Essen: Masterstudium der Volkswirtschaftslehre - März 2007:
Bachelor of Arts in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Bachelorarbeit: Die geldpolitischen Instrumente der EZB und des Federal Reserve Systems der USA - Ein Vergleich - April 2004 - März 2007:
Universität Duisburg-Essen: Bachelorstudium der Volkswirtschaftslehre
- April 2009 - September 2012
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen von Prof. Dr. Clausen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen - April 2008 - Februar 2009:
wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen von Prof. Dr. Clausen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen - Mai 2007 - Juli 2007:
studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik von Prof. Dr. Belke, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen - November 2006 - Januar 2007:
studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Quantitative Wirtschaftspolitik von PD. Dr. Budzinski, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fields of Research:
- Geldtheorie und -politik
- Geldpolitische Regeln
- Taylor Regeln
- Finanzkrisen
Thema der Dissertation: The Taylor Rule in Times of Crisis – Empirical Evidence of the Financial Turmoil 2007-08
- Taylor Regeln und Real Time Daten
- Taylor Regeln in der Finanzkrise
- Schätzungen des gleichgewichtigen Realzinses
- Asymmetrische Taylor Regeln
- Nullzinspolitik
- Klose, J.: Implicit Taylor Reaction Functions for Euro Area Countries. In: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (2012) No 5.2012, p. 153-168. CitationDetails
- Klose, J.: The Taylor Rule in Times of Crisis - Empirical Evidence of the Financial Turmoil 2007-08 (1). 2012. CitationDetails
- Klose, J.: Political Business Cycles and Monetary Policy Revisited - An Application of a Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Taylor reaction Function. In: International Economics and Economics Policy (2012) No 9/3-4, p. 265-295. CitationDetails
- Weigert, B.; Klose, J.: Das Verrechnungssystem der Federal Reserve und seine Übertragbarkeit auf den Euroraum, 92 (4). Wirtschaftsdienst (Ed.), 2012. CitationDetails
- Klose, J.: Political Business Cycles and Monetary Policy Revisited - An Application of a Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Taylor Reaction Function, 286. Paper, Ruhr Economic (Ed.), 2011. CitationDetails
- Belke, A.; Klose, J.: Does the ECB Rely on a Taylor Rule During the Financial Crisis? Comparing Ex-post and Real Time Data with Real Time Forecasts. In: Economic Analysis and Policy (2011) No 41, p. 147-171. CitationDetails
- Belke, A.; Klose, J.: Does the ECB Rely on a Taylor Rule? Comparing Ex-post with Real Time Data. In: Banks and Bank Systems (2011) No 6/2, p. 46-61. CitationAbstractDetails
We assess the differences that emerge in Taylor rule estimations for the ECB when using ex-post data instead of real time forecasts and vice versa.We argue that previous comparative studies in this field mixed up two separate effects. First, the differences resulting from the use of ex-post and real time data per se and, second, the differences emerging from the use of non-modified real time data instead of real-time data based forecasted values and vice versa. Since both effects can influence the reaction to inflation and the output gap either way, we use a more clear-cut approach to disentangle the partial effects. Our estimation results indicate that using real time instead of ex post data leads to higher estimated inflation coefficients while the opposite is true for the output gap coefficients. If real time data forecasts for the current period are used (since actual data become available with a lag), this empirical pattern is even strengthened in the sense of even increasing the inflation response but lowering the reaction to the output gap while the reverse is true if ¿true¿ forecasts of real time data for several periods are employed.
- Klose, J.: A Simple Way to Overcome the Zero Lower Bound of Interest Rates for Central Banks: Evidence from the Fed and the ECB within the Financial Crisis. In: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Vol 4 (2011) No 3, p. 279-296. doi:10.1504/IJMEF.2011.040923CitationAbstractDetails
In this paper we investigate how Fed and ECB monetary policy changed within the financial crisis of 2007-2010. We argue that due to the very low interest rates classical monetary policy rules like e.g. the Taylor rule could lead to false conclusions. We propose a new way of conducting monetary policy when the zero lower bound becomes binding via shaping the inflation expectations. Our results indicate that using this modified Taylor rule shows similar tendencies in the reaction coefficients as the standard Taylor rule at least if no interest smoothing term is included.
- Klose, J.: Asymmetric Taylor Reaction Functions of the ECB: An Approach Depending on the State of the Economy. In: North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 22 (2011) No 2, p. 149-163. doi:10.1016/j.najef.2011.01.002CitationAbstractDetails
We introduce a new approach to estimate asymmetric Taylor reaction functions where asymmetries depend crucially on the state of the economy which is in the Taylor rule framework the combination of inflation and output deviations. Thus we categorize the sample into four subsamples which correspond to all possible combinations concerning inflation and output deviations. Moreover we introduce a quadratic term of inflation and the output gap in the estimation equation for each state in order to capture possible nonlinearities within each state. The approach is tested using data for the ECB because the ECB has communicated an explicit inflation target.
- Clausen, V.; Klose, J.: Optimale Geld- und Fiskalpolitik unter Unsicherheit. In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Vol 39 (2010) No 5, p. 236-242. CitationDetails
- Belke, A.; Klose, J.: (How) Do the ECB and the Fed React to Financial Market Uncertainty? - The Taylor Rule in Times of Crisis, DIW Discussion Paper 972, Ruhr Economic Paper 166, ROME Discussion Paper Series 10-01, Berlin, Essen 2010. CitationAbstractDetails
We assess differences that emerge in Taylor rule estimations for the Fed and the ECB before
and after the start of the subprime crisis. For this purpose, we apply an explicit estimate of the
equilibrium real interest rate and of potential output in order to account for variations within
these variables over time. We argue that measures of money and credit growth, interest rate
spreads and asset price inflation should be added to the classical Taylor rule because
these variables are proxies of a change in the equilibrium interest rate and are, thus, also
likely to have played a major role in setting policy rates during the crisis.
Our empirical results gained from a state-space model and GMM estimations reveal that, as
far as the Fed is concerned, the impact of consumer price inflation, and money and credit
growth turns negative during the crisis while the sign of the asset price inflation coefficient
turns positive. Thus we are able to establish significant differences in the parameters of the
reaction functions of the Fed before and after the start of the subprime crisis. In case of the
ECB, there is no evidence of a change in signs. Instead, the positive reaction to credit growth,
consumer and house price inflation becomes even stronger than before. Moreover we find
evidence of a less inertial policy of both the Fed and the ECB during the crisis.
JEL code: E43, E52, E58 - Belke, A.; Klose, J.: Does the ECB Rely on a Taylor Rule? - Comparing Ex-post with Real Time Data, DIW Discussion Paper 917, Ruhr Economic Paper 133, ROME Discussion Paper Series 09-05, Berlin, Essen 2009. CitationAbstractDetails
We assess the differences that emerge in Taylor rule estimations for the ECB when using ex-post data instead of real time forecasts and vice versa. We argue that previous comparative studies in this field mixed up two separate effects. First, the differences resulting from the use of ex-post and real time data per se and, second, the differences emerging from the use of non-modified real time data instead of real-time data based forecasted values and vice versa. Since both effects can influence the reaction to inflation and the output gap either way, we use a more clear-cut approach to disentangle the partial effects. Our estimation results indicate that using real time instead of ex post data leads to higher estimated inflation coefficients while the opposite is true for the output gap coefficients. If real time data forecasts for the current period are used (since actual data become available with a lag), this empirical pattern is even strengthened in the sense of even increasing the inflation response but lowering the reaction to the output gap while the reverse is true if "true" forecasts of real time data for several periods are employed.
JEL Classification:
E43, E58
- 9th European Economic and Finance Society Conference, Athen (Griechenland): (How) Do the ECB and the Fed React to Financial Market Uncertainty? - The Taylor Rule in Times of Crisis, 03.06.2010 - 06.06.2010.
- 17th Global Finance Conference, Posen (Polen): (How) Do the ECB and the Fed React to Financial Market Uncertainty? - The Taylor Rule in Times of Crisis, 27.06.2010 - 30.06.2010.
- 12th INFER Annual Conference, Münster: Asymmetric Taylor Reaction Functions of the ECB – An Approach Depending on the State of the Economy, 03.09.2010 - 05.09.2010.
- 5. ifo Workshop Makroökonomik und Konjunktur, Dresden: A Simple Way to Overcome the Zero-Lower-Bound of Interest Rates for Central Banks - Evidence from the Fed and the ECB within the Financial Crisis, 18.11.2010-19.11.2010.
- Makroökonomik I
- Makroökonomik II
- Monetäre Außenwirtschaft (Makroökonomik III)
- Reale Außenwirtschaft
- Seminar: Globalisierung - Die Bedeutung Chinas in der Weltwirtschaft
- Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN)
- International Network for Economic Research (INFER)
- Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS)
Other Duties:
Gutachtertätigkeit für wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften:
- Economic Modelling
- Public Choice