ehemalige Teammitglieder

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

M.Sc. Elias Sobotka

Former Academic Staff

M.Sc. Elias Sobotka

Curriculum Vitae:

Academic degrees:

  • Master of Science (Maastricht University, 2016)
  • Bachelor of Science (University of Münster, 2014)


  • Since November 2017: University of Duisburg-Essen, Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Volker Clausen
  • January 2016 - June 2016: George Washington University (Elliot School of International Affairs), United States, Semester Abroad
  • February 2015 - December 2015: Maastricht University, The Netherlands, Master Studies in Economics
  • October 2010 - July 2014: University of Münster, Germany, Bachelor Studies in Economics

Fields of Research:

  • Computable General Equilibrium Models
  • International Trade-/Climate Policy


  • September 2019: 15th Ruhr Graduate Summer School, Economic Impact Assessments of Energy and Climate Policies using GAMS and MPSGE, Essen.
  • March 2019: 18th Workshop on Economic Modeling (WEM), International Trade Policy Analysis using GTAPinGAMS and MPSGE, Las Palmas, Spain.
  • September 2018: 14th Ruhr Graduate Summer School, Trade and Climate Policy Analysis using GTAPinGAMS and MPSGE, Essen.
  • September 2017: 13th Ruhr Graduate Summer School, Trade Policy Analysis with GAMS and MPSGE, Essen.


  • General Equilibrium Models of Open Economies
  • Macroeconomics I
  • International Trade
  • Seminar in International Economics